The Mindful Notes Podcast | Episode 0

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In 2017 I did a project that I called 100 Days of Mindfulness. It was inspired by the #100DaysProject and it changed my life. Yes, I know how dramatic that sounds, but if you know me you know I am not a dramatic person... so I repeat, my 100 days of mindfulness changed my life. I challenge myself to start meditating consistently and to develop daily mindful practices. I shared this challenge on Instagram, and that public announcement really made me accountable to this effort. I read about mindfulness, intentional living, and meditation. And I began surrounding myself with people who could teach me more. My life blossomed and I felt myself appreciating new things in my life and creating space to enjoy those things more.

In 2018 I did another 100 days mindfulness and along the way I recorded a few mindful notes to myself. These notes we a chance for me to take note of my observations and reflections on the life I am designing for myself. Iโ€™ve decided to share these with the world on the off chance that one of these notes proves meaningful to someone other than me.

Here goes, season one of Mindful Notes!