
Comparisons for Happiness

This year I have been reflecting on how the life I am living now was once just a dream for me. It’s a simple life, but when compared to other phases in my past it astonishes me how far I have come. This is a new perspective for me though…

A few months ago I became so fed up with my constant rumination on goals and ambitions that it was muddling my mind to the point of depression. I had become so focused on the future, in part because of the pandemic, that I could not appreciate where I am right now. My restlessness had become too much, I was constantly feeling rushed to get further in my life, speeding past this present phase. Fortunately, I recognized this feeling was making me unhappy and started the inner work that was needed.

While achievement is such a large part of my personality and life motivation, I recognize there is a dark side of it for me. Years ago I began practicing mindfulness because I can get so fixated on the future that I miss current life. And once I reach that future, I am yet again overlooking it to get to the next stage. I’ve never wanted to fall into the trap of never being satisfied with life. Instead I want to live a life full of appreciation for where I am at every stage and not simple when I’ve “made it.”

The way I cultivate this is by actively and intentional looking around me a speaking (often out loud) the things I am grateful for. At times it is simple the way the light is reflecting on the walls or the blossoming tree just outside the window. Other times it’s the peace and quiet of my home, or a beautiful piece of furniture I use daily. Or maybe it’s a meal I’ve prepared or the person in sharing my time with. When I stop and look around there are endless things that are right in front of me that I am so appreciative of. And the beauty of this practice is before long it happens subconsciously, my mind has quickly become accustomed to seeing what I have as opposed to what I don’t.

And when the gratitude doesn’t come so easily I compare my present, not to my future self or others, but instead to my own past self. I have so much that I have accomplished, and when I stop to think about it I can physically feel the pride well up in my body. I feel proud that I, as a Black mixed-raced woman worked my way through college, eventually and unconventionally received a graduate degree from an Ivy League university, built a fulfilling career and later bootstrapped a business, created stability for myself, found a healthy partner to build a life with, created safe home filled with laughter and love, and done the years of inner work to heal past traumas and manage my anxiety. These things, and more, when listed out are far more impressive than the bigger house or early retirement my mind may be focused on.

When I compare where I am today to me one year, 5 years, 10 years ago and more I can’t help but look around and realize I am enough just as I am.

How Did I Get Here?

When I started my business, I didn’t really know I was starting a business. I was making things I loved and thought it’d be great to get paid for that. Falling into business this way creates a very different experience compared to setting out to make money and crafting your business model around that goal.

The past three years for me have been a series of trials and errors. For a scientist like me, that’s exciting. In my past career embarking on a project with no certainty of where it will actually prepared me well for entrepreneurship. In the lab you run into issues constantly, there are always setbacks and unexpected hurdles. It’s the same with running and growing a business. As soon as you figure out one thing and slew of new issues to solve arise.

When I used to step back and look at my life’s path I would sometime wonder how this rock collecting tomboy ended up with a clothing company. These days it’s a little less mystifying. I saw a problem in my personal, an over abundance of fast fashion options and so few sustainable ones, went to solve it for myself, and then attempted to replicate the results of my experiment on a larger scale.

I’m still a scientist, just in a new context.

Well, This Is Embarrassing

Any home sewers out there remember when Burdastyle was an online community? I used to post my makes and tutorials under the username GinaSophia there for many years. Recently I stumbled upon some of my proudest sewing projects in a neglected flickr album. It got me digging and I found that the BurdaStyle community as it once was is gone. Wiped from the internet. One thing that does remain is my contribution to a sewing handbook (and no, I didn’t get to choose my fabric or pattern for this contribution).


I also found one of my old sewing blogs lingering around the internet since 2010. It is far too cringeworthy for me to share right now but I will share with you this one image from a post entitled “Five of my favorite things: yellow edition.” Why a tampon was a favorite item of mine at the time, I cannot quite say…

What is not embarrassing about this memory lane jaunt is how consistent my interests are. I loved writing about clothes (thrifting and sewing), I had an Etsy shop (one of many entrepreneurial pursuits over the years), and I had many tutorials sharing my knowledge and favorite craft projects. It’s comforting to see Gina from a decade ago is still, at the core, the same. Even down to these 5 things (I can’t honestly say I don’t have some iteration of these items in my purse right now).

Now I will leave with this gem from my old blog’s “features” page. The trench is still one of my most impressive makes ever, the pose on the other hand, idk.

Picture 8.png

Restorative Routines

Since starting to feel the fatigue of the pandemic I have chosen to focus on micro moments throughout the day that can help restore me, and not wear me down further. One daily activity of mine is my morning coffee pour, which I have written about before.

Gina Stovall Mindful Coffee Pour.gif

Focusing on the little things that being me joy helps me not dwell on the bigger picture that feels a bit uncertain and overwhelming. It' brings me back to my mindfulness practices that have taught me that a life is made up of many little moments. And a happy life is just cultivating happiness in each little act.


I lost my grandmother last year, August 29th. It wasn’t COVID-19, I think that’s a thing you have to clarify these days. She was in her 80s and had battled cancer successfully and with vigor for about a decade. She was amazing, beyond the cancer she was absolutely incredible. A joy to be around for every single person who met her. And I am not exaggerating, I wish I could recount all the stories I heard from people I never knew after her passing. She was truly a light on this planet, a woman who loved deeply and made the most of what could have been a tragically hard life.

I could talk about my grandmother all day, sometimes I can’t help but go on about her to strangers, friends, colleagues even before she died. And every person always responds with something to the effect of “she sounds incredible,” because she was. But I sat down to write this today because I want to talk about me. Selfish, maybe, but I want to remember this moment in time, about 6 month after her death, this stage of my grief. I have dreams about her every so often. In the ones I remember she has always come back to life for a brief moment, indicating to me that even in sleep my subconscious of fully aware she is no longer here. I am always interacting with my big family in these dreams, and sometimes I don’t get to see her before she is gone again. In the last dream I cried so deeply after realizing I missed her and I woke up from that dream still sad. So that morning I finally listened to voicemails of her, laughing and crying all at once, happy to remember how funny and vibrant she was and sad to realize that was no more.

I feel very fortunate because I think I truly began grieving for her in September of 2019. She received a another bad health prognosis and we all began preparing for the worst. Despite years of these patterns, this time hit me differently. It was the first time I truly felt her mortality. Despite the bad news and her initial hesitation to pursue another treatment she against all odds was accepted to an experimental drug trail and staved of the spread of her cancer. The most incredible part was that she felt good, or as good as an 80+ year old could as she told me! The “months to live” disappeared and she gave us another year. All this is to say, when she did decline, it was sudden and fast. It was during a pandemic that forced this active woman inside for months with no end in sight. Despite the speed I was so lucky to be there when we realized this could be it. It somehow didn’t hurt in the same way as the new that September did, that year prior was uniquely different from all the previous years of downs followed by ups. That September was even more painful than the first time we got the news that she had a very aggressive cancer; I remember that moment in exact detail.

I spent the last several days with her, going through the initial stages of grief, denial, anger, bargaining . All of them at warp speed. Until it was the last day or so and all I could be was grateful for having her my entire life. The most incredible grandmother, the only grandparent I’ve ever known. My friend and confidant, my comrade in faith. My mentor and role-model. I was so lucky to know her and for her to love me the way she did. The way she live all of her children and grandchildren. I cried at her memorial less for her but more for my youngest cousins who get less time with her than me. I friend for the future generations who will only get to here the stories but may never truly get how awesome she was. I cried selfishly because I would miss her guidance and love. And I cry now for the same reasons.

I want to remember this moment because I know my grief will evolve over the years. It won’t always feel like this, I hope. But it also isn’t over just yet and so here I am acknowledging it.

What I Have Been Up To Lately

One year after major pandemic lockdowns and life is feeling a little mundane, even for this home-body introvert. Here’s what I have been up to lately in a collection of images I am about to delete from my phone…

Golden hour shining on my work-in-progress sofa refresh.

Golden hour shining on my work-in-progress sofa refresh.

Cosy-ing up my home. Since we moved to this new apartment last October, I have been looking for a new couch that fits the space. Our old Ikea Kivik was the right size, just not comfortable enough for us for hours of state-mandated at home lounging. Plus the cover, while practical, was just too dark and rough on the skin. After way too much hemming and hawing, plus frustration of not being able to test sofa’s in person (for obvious reasons) I decided to do what I should have done in the first place. Make do and DIY my dream couch. This is a sneak peak of the transformation, the full reveal will likely be ready many months from now if I ever get up the stamina to break out my sewing machine again.

Top view of me juicing carrots in my favorite (also only) apron.

Top view of me juicing carrots in my favorite (also only) apron.

I finally purchased a juicer a few months ago. The whole blending and straining process got old really fast. Honestly, this was a worthy investment and I am barely even bothered by the number of parts that I have to assemble, disassemble and wash. 2019 Gina may have said something like “who has time for all that,” but post-2020 Gina, well thats a different story.

My first glass of self-juiced apple juice. Can you tell how proud I am from this photo? Also, there is a chocolate cake  under the bowl in the background of this photo. Balance.

My first glass of self-juiced apple juice. Can you tell how proud I am from this photo? Also, there is a chocolate cake under the bowl in the background of this photo. Balance.

I have also been learning Arabic recently. It’s amazing to be learning something new and prove to myself that this 30-something year old brain can in fact learn brand new things as complex as a new language. It’s slow going but it feels like such a wonderful investment in myself these days.

Close-up of a recent puzzle I assembled.

Close-up of a recent puzzle I assembled.

I picked up puzzling sometime around the holidays late last year. It started with a single 1000 piece Wysocki puzzle and that was all it took for me to become obsessed. This activity brings me so much focus and peace (when I first typed this I spelled it “piece,” I told you, puzzle obsessed). It’s a perfect activity for my overly active mind because I am able to single-task letting, hours pass my in what feels like just minutes.

Me, sitting on the bed looking in the mirror on one of the warmest days of 2021 thus far. Wearing my Two Days Off Indya Tank and Safia Midi Skirt.

Me, sitting on the bed looking in the mirror on one of the warmest days of 2021 thus far. Wearing my Two Days Off Indya Tank and Safia Midi Skirt.

And lastly, I have been working a lot. Of course. Just over here keeping my business afloat while also trying to nurture the hundreds of ideas in my head without losing my sanity. Something I have been trying to remember when I feel the self-imposed pressure is that there is no playbook for entrepreneurship, and certainly not one for running one during a pandemic. So I can feel liberated because that means I can play by my own rules and do what feels right.

2021 Intentions

Each year I choose a word, or as my friend Elise calls is “One Little Word.” 2020’s word was rest. Naturally as the year played out this word came to have a different and deeper significance to me. I am not planning to do a “report card” for this past year as I have in the past because there is simply too much to unpack, good and bad.


2021 Intention

no pressure hopes for the new year

The biggest thing is next year my word in abundance. If there is one thing I learned this year it is that gratitude and hope can co-exist with grief, struggle, uncertainty, and more. So my only intention is to foster an abundant mindset.

Saturday Hike Style

It’s Friday and all I can think about is the weekend (anyone else!?). Last we I went with my partner on the most lovely, impromptu hike. I realized how quickly being disconnected from nature for too long jostles my brain and my priorities so this weekend I am looking forward to more offline time in the sun.


What I’m Wearing:

Eileen Fisher Cashmere Silk Bliss Sweater

Old Everlane Skinny Jeans (note: I no longer shop at Everlane for a variety of reasons)

Jenni Kayne Canyon Boots in Stone

What I Wore: Week 3-4 of the May 30x30

What I Wore: Week 1-2(ish) of the May 30 x 30

I have been participating in the #May30x30 challenge on Instagram (hosted by my friends @jazzyhwang and @petraalexandra) and I wanted to memorialize it here because it’s a feat to get dressed everyday in the time of Covid-19! I’m going to try to make a post of all the pieces I chose for this 30 day capsule at the end fo the month (no promises), but for now here is a Pinterest board I made to brainstorm.

What I’ve worn so far":

What I Wore: A Busy Workday

I just got back from vacation on Sunday and as expected this week has been a busy one. I just launched the pre-order for Two Days Off’s spring line which includes 6 new styles!
Wednesday was busy with running errands, shooting content, responding to customer inquiries, and catching up on my books so I knew I needed a power outfit and a long lunch in the park to keep me going.


Outfit details:

Two Days Off Kaneko Dress

ABLE Selam Backpack & Sandals (15% off with GinaStovall15)


What I Wore: Weekend Errands

This weekend I was running about unwinding from a busy past couple of weeks. But at the same time I am traveling next week so there are inevitably last minute errands to be run. This outfit was perfect for a trip to the diner and in and out shops, and to be honest I think it will be my new uniform anytime the weather dips below 65F in LA!


Outfit details:

Jenni Kayne Cotton Fisherman Sweater (get 20% off with code GINAS20)

ABLE Selam Backpack (15% off with GinaStovall15)

Cole Haan Ankle Bootie

10 year old Gap Boyfriend Jeans
